All hardware requires the installation of drivers to function correctly, and these drivers are constantly updated to fix problems, add new features and enhance performance. While Windows Update can be used to check to see if there are any driver updates available, it can often take a while for new releases to be published to the site.
DriverMax 6.41 can automatically check online for you to see if there are any new drivers available. DriverMax helps to eliminate the need to manually check the web sites of hardware manufacturers and download drivers in this way. DriverMax can also backup all or some of the drivers you currently have installed. These are stored in a compressed zip file, so should you ever have to reinstall Windows, you will already have all of the necessary drivers to hand.
WebMon is a tool which can monitor web pages and let you know when they're updated. Which means you'll be alerted just as soon as your favourite sites have something new to offer, without the hassle of having to keep ...
SystemTweaker is a safe and easy to use tool that lets you customize Windows to your taste. From Start menu tweaks to quick and easy changes to network behaviour, SystemTweaker comes packed with over 50 tweaks, all...