oxinShop ist die Web-Anwendung, mit der Sie einfach und ohne Vorkenntnisse über die Webprogrammierung Ihren eigenen professionellen Online-Shop in Betrieb nehmen können. oxinShop erfüllt alle Anforderungen, die man von einem Online-Shop erwartet. Auch hat er benutzerfreundliche Schnittstelle bei der Shop- und Adminumgebung. &hellip
oxinCMS is an application used to construct a complete Internet-Portal. With this, you will be able to publish your business announcements, present and sell your products and services, contact your clientele, therefore, everything, which one would expect from the website of one’s business. Mehr...
oxinDL is a web program for the creation of download-portals. As you know, download websites attract a lot of visitors. With whom, one by advertisement or the display and sale of one’s own products, is able to earn money. oxinDL offers, you a download portal with each and every desire. The optimised administrator site for the download portal enables you to input your posts with speed and ease. Mehr...
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